A Whole New Deal - Thoughts From A Young Dealmaker

What do the future generations of dealmaker think about the Midlands market, its current state, and how it may change? Insider gathered a handful of tomorrow's M&A leaders to share their views on how the sector they'll one day lead stands, and how it's changing. A solicitor in our corporate team, took part in a round table with Insider and gave the following thoughts from the perspective of a young dealmaker: The old school method of networking just at a senior level has gone as well.

If you're in the right environment, from day one you'll be encouraged to build your own networks and bring in business. The majority of people in dealmaking are often acquainted, particularly the East Midlands as it's quite a small community. We see each other socially, though it's during the deals where you properly get to know people. But the industry will need to change to account for the greater flexibility that millennials in particular, now desire.

The original post can be seen here.

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