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Environmental, Social & Governance

Environmental, Social and Governance at Freeths

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance and is a set of factors that assess how an organisation impacts on the environment and society. Freeths are not only committed to providing the highest standard of legal services to our clients, but also to doing this in the most ethical and sustainable way possible.

Our ESG policy encompasses our range of initiatives and policies across the firm, including:

  • Green Group
  • Black Lawyers Network
  • SHINE network
  • Parent and Carer Group
  • Wellbeing Committee
  • CSR Group
  • Mental Health First Aiders
  • The Social Mobility Network
  • The Disability Network


> Agile working policy
> Environmental audit
> ISO 14001 & ISO 2700
> Sustainable solutions
> Carbon neutral by 2030
> Green group


> D&I outreach & community projects
> Health & wellbeing
> D&I networks & action plan
> Charity sponsorship & events
> D&I pledge


> IT transformation
> Supply chain & modern slavery
> Policy engagement
> Management board involvement & direction
> Compliance & risk

About our ESG team

Our ESG team is made up of representatives from the Management Board, HR and senior lawyers, who all play an active role in other initiatives across the firm. Their combined experience and interests will drive the group forward.

Key contact Role ESG Focus
Mark Keeley (Joint Head of Private Client Division) Chair E The Green Group
Philippa Dempster (Senior Partner) Member S Diversity & Inclusion
Carole Wigley (HR Director) Member S CSR
Chris Freeston (Nottingham Office Managing Partner) Member S Wellbeing
Bethan Davies (COLP) Member G Governance
Mark Blakemore (Chief Operating Officer) Member E, S, G Chief Operating Officer

What our ESG strategy looks like

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