Online Service Delivery
We invest significantly in our IT infrastructure and software. In particular, our Case Viewer software was developed in-house to provide our lawyers with instant access to matter information – it was awarded “Highly Commended” status at the Legal Technology Awards. Our Quiss Technology software allows us to:
- Access documents, deeds, financial information and reports easily
- Access e-copies of all Freeths publications and selected podcasts on legal topics
- Access up-to-date RSS feeds of our news and briefings items
- Assemble and maintain an online data room to maximise value and efficiency
Client extranets – viewing your deeds and documents online
Our extranet facility is a secure website that allows you 24/7 access to our network in a controlled manner. Here, you can view your matter information, reports, documents and deeds. Confidentiality is of paramount importance to us – only authorised users can access secure areas, using individual usernames and passwords.
Click here to log into the client extranet
Data rooms – project management of large transactions
Our online data room helps to maximise value and improve the efficiency of any corporate transaction. It assists with the project management of large transactions, providing you access to controlled information from anywhere in the world. You can easily share your information with relevant people within your organisation, or with professional advisers. Here are some of the benefits of our data rooms:
- Helps you present your business to the market in a professional, modern and organised way
- Ensures sensitive information is kept confidential by monitoring any access and activity – particularly important in understanding which bidders are serious in moving forward in an auction
- We undertake a quality review before adding data to check it is complete and understandable
If you have any questions about client confidentiality or using the extranet, please contact us.