Challenges in procuring for future legislative changes: How to build a resilient service
This webinar will cover how to vary existing contracts and how to ensure a flexible and future proof service during the procurement stages, by managing risk and engaging meaningfully with the market.
Date: Monday 20 November 2023
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Price: Free of charge to CIWM members and non-members
Waste managers in local authorities need to be aware of how imminent reforms could impact their arrangements with private sector suppliers – and how best to cope with change.
This webinar will cover how best to enter into fresh contracts or vary existing contracts with waste-management companies in light of any new CPR legislation, without breaking public contracts regulations (PCRs) – the procurement rules which govern how public sector bodies must enter into contracts for the purchase of goods, services (including the procurement of waste services) or construction works.
The webinar will also offer ideas of how the public sector and its waste contractors can work collaboratively to find solutions.
Kirstin Roberts – Freeths (Host)
Shireen Eliyas – Freeths (Complaint variation of contracts under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015)
Jacqui Ager – London Borough of Havering (Case Study of Challenges in procuring for future legislative changes: How to build a resilient service).
David Wood – Suez (The contractor’s perspective).
If you have any questions, please email