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Securing Skills in the Food Sector webinar

Date: Tuesday 30 January
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am
Via Zoom

The UK food market is facing unprecedented issues in securing labour.

A House of Commons Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee report stated, “The food sector is the UK’s largest manufacturing sector but faces permanent shrinkage if a failure to address its acute labour shortages leads to wage rises, price increases, reduced competitiveness and, ultimately, food production being exported abroad and increased imports.” In addition, over one quarter of food production companies state they are unable to secure the right technical talent to meet vacancies. This, in addition to well-publicised fruit and vegetable picker shortages.

In early 2024 fines for right to work non-compliance are due to triple to up to £60,000 per employee. It is vital to ensure right to work processes are fully compliant to avoid a crippling fine. In this webinar, immigration expert, Ashley Stothard, will guide you through the pitfalls of right to work legislation, and take time to answer your questions on the day. Simon Baigent, Head of Food Sector, will give an introduction.

Date: Tuesday 30 January
Time: 10:00am – 11:00am
Via Zoom

During this webinar you will learn:

  • The latest developments and changes in right to work legislation and how they affect your business.
  • How to conduct right to work checks and maintain accurate records.
  • How to identify valid documentation and avoid common pitfalls.
  • What to do in tricky right to work situations.