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Chew the Fat/the Avocado with Waste Whizzes at RWM

Wednesday 11th September
12:00pm - 2:30pm
Concourse Rooms 32/33,
National Exhibition Centre,
Pendigo Way,
Marston Green,
B40 1NT

Like us, you’re probably starting to fill your diary with meetings for the RWM Exhibition days. Although the food available in the halls will no doubt be lovely, we'd be delighted if you could join Freeths and Wardell Armstrong at our buffet lunch on the first day of the exhibition.

The lunch will provide an opportunity for you to rest your legs and network with co-minded waste anoraks, while discussing the current issues facing the sector. The lunch venue is right next door to halls 17-19 of the NEC where RWM is taking place.

Places are limited so let us know as soon as possible whether you’ll be able to join us and other waste & renewables professionals for lunch that day. Also feel free to invite your guests/ those you’re aiming to network with (please just let us know how many you’re bringing so we can ensure there’s enough food).

Event details

Date: Wednesday 11th September
Time: 12:00pm - 2:30pm
Venue: Concourse Rooms 32/33,
National Exhibition Centre,
Pendigo Way,
Marston Green,
B40 1NT