Ear, Nose & Throat Department at the Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
An injury caused by medical or clinical negligence can have a serious impact on both your life and the life of your family. The last thing you expect when you have medical treatment is to suffer an injury, misdiagnosis or mistake.
The Freeths Clinical Negligence team, located in Derby, has recently received a number of enquiries relating to the care received at the Ear, Nose and Throat department of Queen’s Hospital, part of the Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust was put in special measures following the Keogh review in July 2013 which identified concerns about high mortality rates and standards of care. Ten other NHS Trusts also came under criticism; however, five of the ten were then removed from special measures in July 2014.In October 2015, the Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust was taken out of special measures, but remains under “requires improvement”.
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