Freeths Employment Team hosted two Employment Seminars for The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD).
The interactive sessions included a number of topics including social media, grievance and sickness issues during disciplinary processes and long term sick absence. We also outlined key employment law changes coming into effect in the next 12 months.
Rena Magdani, Employment Partner and Head of Employment in Leicester, commented
“We host a number of employment events for the CIPD during the year. This was the first time that we held an interactive seminar; so that delegates could share their knowledge and experience with each other as well hear from us about best practice to adopt when grappling these thorny employment law issues. We received some great feedback. It’s always a pleasure working with the CIPD and we look forward to hosting future employment seminars with them.” “The CIPD Leicestershire branch is delighted to work with the Employment team at Freeths LLP who regularly provide excellent employment law updates for our local members. The lunchtime and evening sessions offer a choice of when to attend and provide flexibility to fit these important legal updates into the working day. This particular session (the Spring 2017 update) adopted a new format in which small groups discussed the problems facing HR professionals in ‘A Nightmare Week’ with Freeths lawyers on hand to explain the best way to tackle each difficult situation and what measures an organisation can put in place to prevent them facing the same scenario. The sessions are always very interesting and informative for our members and we are grateful to the Employment team for hosting these events”.
The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.