A fixed fee package to support HR teams with GDPR compliance
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. The new rules require you to ensure that your employment documents are legally compliant, and our team of employment lawyers are here to help you.
The GDPR has introduced a new principle of accountability and you now have a positive obligation to evidence your compliance with the data protection principles.
We can help you to make sure that you are GDPR compliant with our fixed price package which includes:
- A GDPR compliant Privacy Notice template for employees
You can use this notice to notify employees, workers and contractors about the personal data that you hold relating to them, how they can expect their personal data to be used, and for what purpose.
- A GDPR compliant Privacy Notice template for candidates
You can use this notice for individuals applying for jobs or assignments with you. It notifies prospective employees, workers and contractors about the personal data that you hold relating to them, how they can expect their personal data to be used, and for what purpose.
- An updated Data Protection Policy
This sets out the principles and legal conditions that your organisation must satisfy when obtaining, handling, processing, transporting or storing personal data in the course of your operations and activities.
- A Document Retention Policy template
This policy sets out periods for retention of employment records and the erasure of employment records.
- A new data protection clause for contracts of employment
A clause asking for the employees to consent to the processing of their data will no longer be valid. The contract should instead include a clause setting out the lawful grounds on which you will process data. This clause sets out the relevant lawful grounds for processing employee personal data.
- A letter to be given to employees regarding the new regime
GDPR places greater focus on transparency. This letter explains GDPR to your employees and encloses the new GDPR compliant data protection policy and privacy notice.
Our package helps you to ensure all your employment documents comply with the new regulations, and is available for a fixed fee of £350 plus VAT.
To access the package and ensure your compliance, please contact: Gemma Elliott Gemma.Elliott@freeths.co.uk or call 0345 077 9653.
Please note that additional non-employment documents will also be required to comply with GDPR, and these will depend on the nature of your business. If you require assistance in this regard, please contact us.
The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.