Freeths appointed to Crown Commercial Services panel
Legal specialists in the public sector, Freeths, have been appointed to the Crown Commercial Services Wider Legal Services panel, to provide legal services to public sector bodies across the UK as part of the three-year contract.
CCS helps government, public and third sector organisations buy common goods and services to achieve cost savings. Freeths were successful in being appointed to Lot one of the panel, which is split into four lots, worth an estimated £320m in total.
With 12 offices throughout the UK, Freeths are well placed to provide a national quality service delivered by local specialists, experienced in advising in the public sector. Many of the cross-disciplinary team have worked in-house or held non-executive positions in local authorities, NHS Trusts and educational institutions.
The Panel is available for use to the Wider Public Sector primarily and can also be utilised by Central Government Departments and their Arms Length bodies for certain requirements.
Nathan Holden, Head of the Local Government team at Freeths commented: “We are very pleased to have been appointed to the Crown Commercial Services Wider Legal Services Panel. Our appointment recognises both our commitment to working with public sector bodies and the depth of expertise and experience we now have in this specialist area of work.”
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