Freeths Networking Events for Women in Nottingham Host Event on Impostor Syndrome

Forty-five women attended the event on 10 October at Freeths' office in Nottingham. The subject of the lunchtime session was on Impostor Syndrome, a topic that resonated with the women of Freeths and the guests who attended. The network consists of a group of female lawyers who host several events throughout the year, with the aim of targeting the growing number of businesswomen in decision-making roles and to connect with and support each other during informal but informative events. Imposter Syndrome is the persistent inability to believe one's success is deserved. Research suggests two thirds of working women suffer from it. Keynote speaker, Olivia Stoddart, founding director of Impressions Executive Training, delivered an interactive presentation. By drawing on her own experience with overcoming Impostor Syndrome, Olivia was able to inspire the women to identify their own limiting beliefs and they were able to take away with them strategies on how to conquer their fears.

One guest commented, “The event was fantastic with great attention to detail”. Another guest added, “Olivia was insightful and engaging. Really resonated with all of us”. Lunch was catered by Poppy's-Place, a women-led, family owned business based in Ruskington, specialising in bringing together food, floristry and tablescape styling to what they have referred to as a “grazing sensation”.


The next event will take place at the beginning of 2020, so if you would like to receive an invite or would like more information on Networking Events for Women, please contact Jenny Hutson.


Impostor Syndrome Event Collage

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