By 2024 more than 1 in 4 (18m people) will be over 60.
For employers this represents opportunities and challenges. In the face of a potential shortage of available workers due to demographic changes (and the possible loss of EU workers), older workers can provide a pool of skilled, experienced employees to fill the talent gap.
Considerations for your business:
There are a number of legal and practical considerations for employers to bear in mind as a result of these demographic changes which we will consider during this inter-active seminar, including:
- Age discrimination
- Performance management / capability
- Flexible working
- H&S and wellbeing issues
- Age friendly employment
- Pensions:
- Affordability of retirement in view of rise in state pension age
- Advance planning
- Workplace pensions
- Death-in-service issues
- Smart benefits
- Attracting and retention of employees
Timings: The seminar will last for 1.5 hours, with networking over breakfast
Registration / Breakfast from 8.30am. Seminar will close by 10.30am
When: 8.30 - 10.30am, Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Where: Freeths LLP, 4rd Floor, 100 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4LT
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