Real Estate Law Blog: Service, Please


Customer Experience and Real Estate Law


I'm in the US at present and as ever here, you really notice the way they 'do' service. With a tipping culture that standardises 20% on top, for me, rightly or wrongly, there's an expectation that goes with that. Yes, there's variety: sometimes you get a stoney-faced “you're welcome” with glazed eyes, but more often than not there is a genuine desire to make your life easier.

waiter serving coffee with a smile


It's hard to know what engenders this great service. Message, personality, timing, team? However, if you could bottle it then it's a 'winner' for any service business. With AI, AR, Proptech and wearable-tech all developing at a 'rate of knots' soon the only differential for lawyers in the real estate world will be customer experience. In fact, this is the 'buzz phrase' of the moment and knowing how to capture it is the key. This morning on an early morning beach walk, I stumbled across a daily pep-talk between a team leader and his beach staff. He got very animated about how they needed to 'deliver' great service and, watching them during the day, they did. I hope we manage this at Freeths - we certainly have the team and we all strive to go the 'extra mile' for our clients. As the New Yorkers would say: “excelsior”...Wherever you are in the world great service makes for a good experience and that makes a good business a great business, 20% on top or not...


The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.

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