Adapt and Thrive in the Food Sector with Duncan and Toplis

The second webinar in our food sector series in partnership with Duncan & Toplis will be brought to you by Freeths Partner, Simon Baigent and Duncan & Toplis Head of Business Services, Kayleigh Williams.

Simon and Kayleigh will be covering the following points:

  • Is the Food Sector facing new challenges or has COVID-19 amplified the existing ones?
  • What lessons have we learnt from COVID-19 so far
  • Refocusing on operational resilience and defining a clear strategy
  • Key COVID challenges and how meet them head on
  • Understanding levels of sustainability and resilience in finances
  • Practical and prudent steps to take to keep your business out of harm's way

Date: Thursday 6th August Time: 10:30am - 11:30am

Please click here to re-watch the webinar

There will be an opportunity to submit questions in advance, and also during the session, please submit your questions upon registration in the question box. Get in touch with Rebecca Pearson, if you have any other queries regarding this webinar.


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