Employee Culture, Wellbeing & Retention
Join us at a free seminar for Connect Yorkshire members on Tuesday 18th February 2020 to learn more about how creating a positive culture at work can help Yorkshire businesses improve staff wellbeing and retention. Employees are always striving to achieve the elusive 'work-life balance', but in 2020 it's becoming more of an expectation as employees look to their workplace for more than just salary and perks. With higher expectations on employers to be more aware of their employees' health and mental wellbeing, the relationship between employers and employees is shifting. Connect Yorkshire Partner, Glu Recruit, are bringing together key speakers in their 'Employee Culture, Wellbeing and Retention' seminar, aimed at Yorkshire based business owners who have a key interest in improving their employee retention rates through the development of a strategic health and wellbeing plan. Covering key recruitment, legal and health related aspects, the topics for discussion include:
Glu Recruit
- Employee retention tips
- Characteristics of a great place to work
- Examples of how local businesses successfully tackle employee retention
- Flexible working
- Establishing and maintaining a culture of open-ness
- Practical examples of culture implementation
Westfield Health
- How employee wellbeing in the Sheffield City Region compares to the rest of the UK
- How employees' lifestyles can impact on a business
- Simple small steps businesses can take to improve employee wellbeing
Limited to a maximum of 30 places, this seminar will provide you with a range of key take away tips you can implement to ensure your business gets the most of its staff.
Date | Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Time | 8.00am for 8.30am start, until 10am
Venue | Westfield Heath, Charter Row, Sheffield, S1 3FZ
Speakers | Rob Shaw, MD of Glu Rercruit, Toby Pochron, Associate at Freeths, Reem Naylor, Health & Wellbeing Consultant at Westfield Health
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