Ella Carroll
Senior Associate | Bristol
“… Ella Carroll are a delight to work with – quick, efficient, knowledgeable and commercial.”
The Legal 500
Call: 0345 017 6020 Mobile: 0797 389 5724
About Ella
Ella regularly advises a wide range of clients including government bodies, site providers, national retailers, and corporate occupiers.
Ella has experience advising on all landlord and tenant matters, including: lease renewals under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, dilapidations and disputed break clauses.
Ella also advises on more general property disputes including: telecoms disputes, interpretation of leases/contracts, contested lift of shift matters and breach of covenant claims.
Contact Ella
Call: 0345 017 6020
Mobile: 0797 389 5724
Notable work & expertise
- Ella was the junior solicitor with the day to day management on a £20m lift and shift dispute. Through negotiation a settlement was reached which avoided the need for costly litigation.
- Ella has advised on several complex development agreements and how a party can extricate themselves from it.
- Ella regularly advises on complex telecommunications code agreements and how site providers can terminate the agreements.
- Ella acted for Gravesham Borough in Gravesham Borough Council v On Tower UK Limited (LC-2023-810, [2024] UKUT 151 (LC)). The case was the first time there has been an appeal from the First Tier Tribunal on a Telecoms matter. Freeths acted for Gravesham Borough Council who were seeking the removal of the telecoms equipment from the roof of a residential tower block so as to be able to undertake repairs to that roof. On Tower, who had already lost their security of tenure under the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 (“1954 Act”), were seeking to use the Electronic Communications Code to stay on the roof.
Gravesham had tried to strike out the case at the First Tier Tribunal but had been unsuccessful and the appeal dealt with that unsuccessful strike out application. Gravesham were fortunately successful in their appeal and the decision will be a huge relief to site providers who were concerned about obtaining possession of their land from telecommunications operators. If operators had been allowed to use the Code to renew agreements despite having already lost their 1954 Act protection then this would have potentially added several years to the process and reduced the number of grounds for removal that were available to landowners.
“Ella Carroll is very knowledgeable and very thorough with good attention to detail."
The Legal 500, 2024
"Ella Carroll is a highly efficient and capable associate, especially in the field of telecoms (Electronic Communications Code). She is a real spec...
The Legal 500, 2024
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