About Richard
Richard was a solicitor at Natural England since 2010 and was the Head of Legal Services since 2017. Richard led on many of Natural England’s high-profile litigation and enforcement cases and provided advice to Natural England’s teams on the emergence of the Environment Act 2021 and Nature Green Paper. Richard is a highly distinguished environmental lawyer and has worked on a number of high-profile nationally significant infrastructure, planning, and species licencing cases. These include nuclear power stations, offshore windfarms, port developments and HS2.
Richard trained at Collyer Bristow LLP in London and holds an LLM in Environmental Law from UCL.
Contact Richard
Call: 0345 030 5820
Mobile: 0792 986 6356
Notable work & expertise
- Richard defended Natural England against multiple judicial review challenges, including the challenges to Natural England’s bTB licences, Hen Harrier brood management trial licence(s) and a bat species licence issued to HS2.
- Richard worked with Natural England colleagues on Biodiversity Net Gain and the creation of the register/credit scheme which will facilitate mandatory net gain. Richard has also worked on payment for ecosystem services projects and nature-based market mechanisms.
- Richard has worked on a wide variety of nationally significant infrastructure projects, including HS2, Hinkley C and offshore windfarm cases.
- Richard worked on the designation of protected sites including the declaration of National Nature Reserves and notification of SSSIs.
- Richard advises on the impacts of diffuse pollution on protected sites and nutrient neutrality.
- Richard has worked on multiple environmental enforcement cases and appeals for SSSIs, species licence offences and under the EIA Agriculture Regulations.
- Richard has worked on several planning appeal cases involving landscape and visual impacts.
- Richard worked on secondment to the Law Commission on the creation of conservation covenants and with Defra on their inclusion in the Environment Act 2021.
Recent Work
- Richard has extensive experience working with Natural England and Defra on emerging environmental law, particularly the Environment Act 2021 and Nature Green Paper. Richard’s detailed understanding of policy priorities with regards the law and policy for nature conservation is of great benefit to his clients.
- Richard has extensive experience teaching environmental law to Natural England staff/Defra bodies as well as to undergraduate and post-graduate law students at UCL and Exeter University. Richard now works with Penny Simpson to deliver a range of courses for clients on environmental law topics.
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