Richard Fitzmaurice
Director | Leicester
"I worked mainly with Richard Fitzmaurice, who was calm in difficult situations, quite clear with his advice, positive with his responses and totally firm with the other side."
Call: 0345 274 6892 Mobile: 0797 153 5770
About Richard
Richard Fitzmaurice is recognised for combining his technical legal expertise with a technologically-savvy approach, to provide you with commercial and cost-effective advice and solutions.
Richard deals with a wide variety of commercial disputes including contractual disputes, injunctions, restrictive covenant issues and trust disputes. He also deals with insolvency matters on behalf of insolvency practitioners, debtors and creditors.
He is listed as a Recommended Lawyer and recognised as a Rising Star by The Legal 500 (2024 edition) in Dispute Resolution.
Contact Richard
Call: 0345 274 6892
Mobile: 0797 153 5770
Notable work & expertise
Recent Work
- Pursuit of a seven figure claim in the High Court for the breach of a management contract spanning seven years. This was in circumstances where the other side had covertly applied a surcharge without notifying our client. Richard undertook a detailed forensic IT investigation in order to establish the existence of any ‘smoking guns’ and substantiate his client’s position. The case was settled in mediation shortly afterwards.
- Advising a national LPG, propane and butane gas supplier in obtaining permanent injunctions against a former distributor. This was the result of serious concerns that the distributor was engaged in illegal filling and unlawful handling of the client’s cylinders. Permanent injunctions were obtained.
- Acting for a client in a seven figure claim in the High Court, relating to the supply of steel for the construction of Sky satellite dishes. With thousands of documents to review, Richard was extensively involved in the e-disclosure process; from which a number of key documents were identified. Further documentation was obtained by making specific disclosure applications to Court against other companies within a corporate group. A Judgment in relation to liability was successfully obtained in the High Court.
- Acting for a client in a linked trust and company/shareholder dispute. This was ultimately settled by the parties agreeing to a group re-organisation and retirement of trustees.
- Acting for a client in a claim relating to failure by overseas trustees to manage trust property for the benefit of the beneficiaries. The claim formed part of a wider family dispute relating to the operation of the underlying trust assets in the UK.
- Acting for a client in a seven figure claim in the High Court against a US based company, relating to a dispute over contracts for hire of mechanical plant used for laying oil-pipelines
Recent Work
- Advising a client in relation to the restoration of a number of dissolved companies, followed by a permanent stay of members’ voluntary liquidations.
- Acting for a liquidator in relation to a claim against a former director of a company involving voidable transactions at an undervalue, preferences and unlawful dividends. A Judgment was obtained against the director in excess of £250,000.
Contact us today
Whatever your legal needs, our wide ranging expertise is here to support you and your business, so let’s start your legal journey today and get you in touch with the right lawyer to get you started.
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