Snakes & Ladders - Strategies for the ups and downs

Has your business taken robust measures to thrive and survive through these challenging times? Have you looked at all the possible measures you could take?

Don't leave your company's recovery to chance. Come, listen and engage with a panel of experts discussing measures you can take to ensure your firm's cash flow and survive this period of uncertainty. Chris Freeston, National Head of Banking & Finance at Freeths, will lead an expert panel discussing solutions to surviving a recession. The discussion will cover:

  • Banking and finance options and trends we are seeing in the marketplace - Chris Freeston
  • How to use your corporate pension to enhance your finances
  • Looking to the future - retaining talent, restructuring and reducing risk - Fiona Powell
  • Future-proofing your business - alternative strategies - acquisition, divestment and disposal - Sarah Moore
  • Restructuring as a tool for growth - how early engagement with your stakeholders and creditors, coupled with early planning, can prevent a worst case scenario - Oliver Jackson

Date: Friday 11th September Time: 10:30am - 11:30am

Watch back the full webinar here

There will be an opportunity to submit questions in advance, and also during the session, please submit your questions upon registration in the question box. Get in touch with Rebecca Pearson, if you have any other queries regarding this webinar.


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