Habitat Regulation Assessment Legal Training Course

(Split into two half-day sessions) For Developers and Environmental Professionals Advising Developers

This is a legal course for developers and environmental professionals (who are advising developers) on Habitat Regulation Assessment. It focuses on how to approach assessing plans and development projects and to deliver a legally compliant "shadow HRA" so as to secure the necessary consents from competent authorities.

To register for future sessions, please sign up here >

First Half Day (Part 1)

  • Overview of the HRA regime
  • Existing legislation
  • Impacts of Brexit and Government policy indications for the future
  • Knowing your way around The Conservation of Habitat and Species Regulations 2017
  • Which sites get protection?
  • Qualifying features and conservation objectives and more...

Second Half Day (Part 2)Stage 1: Screening

  • Correct legal approach to “in combination” effects including relevant caselaw
  • Air quality including “Wealden case” and NE’s July 2018 traffic / AQ guidance

Stage 2: Appropriate Assessment

  • The integrity test and the position under the "Dutch nitrogen cases" when sites are in unfavourable condition
  • Conservation objectives and what habitat and species must be covered: European caselaw “Holohan”
  • In combination effects
  • Air quality including NE’s July 2018 traffic / AQ guidance and recent domestic caselaw “Compton Parish Council” and more...

Cost£285* / £300 per ticket (plus VAT) *early bird offer (limited spaces). These prices include a booking fee.All course materials will be provided.Please note that tickets may only be changed or cancelled up to seven days before the seminar is due to take place. After that date no refunds will be given or changes made. 


The content of this page is a summary of the law in force at the date of publication and is not exhaustive, nor does it contain definitive advice. Specialist legal advice should be sought in relation to any queries that may arise.

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