Hydrogen: what's all the buzz?

Hydrogen is one of the key themes of the energy transition. But with so much coverage in recent months, it's hard to digest all the information and understand why there is so much fuss about hydrogen in the context of “net-zero”.

Date: Tuesday 5th July
Time: 10:00am - 10:45am
Location: Zoom

This webinar will provide a high level introduction to hydrogen in the energy sector, including

  • How does hydrogen fit into the energy transition?
  • The different methods of producing hydrogen
  • What are the main uses of hydrogen?
  • What are government and industry stakeholders doing to promote hydrogen in the 2020s?

This is the first in a series of planned webinars exploring the role of hydrogen in the UK economy, covering the energy, transport and wider infrastructure sectors.

Watch back the webinar here

Download the slide deck here

If you would like to submit any questions please do this by emailing thomas.williams@freeths.co.uk. Subtitles shown during our webinars are auto-generated from our provider Zoom.

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