Following the launch of a discussion paper by the UK financial services regulators, Kevin Poulter joined Michelle Dewberry last week on GB News to discuss the slow progress of diversity in the sector and steps being considered to promote change.
The paper, Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector – working together to drive change, is produced by the Bank of England, Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority and is directed at those businesses which fall under their regulatory regime. One of the more controversial talking points is linking senior manager and CEO pay to meeting diversity targets.
Although non-financial targets are often used when assessing bonuses, it is not mandated and left to the broad discretion of employers to determine the appropriate metrics for calculating bonus pots and how they are shared amongst employees.Despite legislation being in place to protect underrepresented employees, change has been slow across many professional sectors.
At a senior management level, fewer than 1 in 10 are from a black, Asian and minority ethnic background and fewer than a third are female. 89% of senior manager roles are held by those from a higher socio-economic background.Businesses have looked to drive cultural change for many years and mounting pressure from clients, customers and the workforce is forcing bosses and shareholders to pay attention. Scrutiny of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) objectives and real change is increasing. Diversity, inclusion and representation is a key driver of social change and one which will continue to be key to employee engagement and commercial success.
The consultation closes on 30 September 2021.
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