PFI Handback Survey - get involved!

The PFI Handback team have opened a survey to get full insight into the PFI market from both the public and private sector viewpoint.

If you are an investor, FM organisation, or public sector body, or anyone with an interest and insight into PFI/PPP assets, please do take part. The survey can be completed confidentially, if required. The survey asks about the challenges in terms of managing handback, asks what government support is required, and what resources need to be in place to manage it cost effectively, without falling into any areas of contention. Please see here. This survey aims to fill the gaps left from the publication of the IPA's Phase 1 Expiry Health Learnings Report, which detailed the IPA's PFI Centre of Excellence's analysis of the first 52 PFI Expiry Health Checks conducted over the course of 2021. The analysis from these first 52 health checks provides some vital lessons for the public sector. This report detailed the core themes - regularly discussed on our PFI webinars - of collaboration, early preparation, resource planning and the need to avoid unnecessary disputes. Our survey allows both public sector and private sector to have a voice regarding PFI issues and concerns, so please so complete it and we will be sharing our findings later in the year. You can also read James' article on the IPA report here. If you have any questions regarding the survey please contact James Larmour.

If you are involved in public sector healthcare, please join our PFI webinar on Health PFI Handback - Top Tips for Managing Expiry on Thursday 3rd February 2022 at 8.30am -  Register your place here. You will hear from our own PFI team, as well as experts from industry and healthcare, as they discuss everything from condition surveys to redundancies UPE/pension to post expiry date considerations.


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