Appeal to Come Forward – Nottingham Maternity Review

Donna Ockenden, Chair of the Independent Review into the maternity services at the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, has appealed for more families to come forward to be part of the review.

Five months into the review process, over 900 families have been in contact with the review team as well as over 400 former and current staff members.

A number of families who are taking part in the Nottingham maternity review have spoken up to explain why this process is so important. Included within this group are a family who terminated their pregnancy on the advice of doctors within the Trust, only later to find out that their baby was ‘perfectly healthy’ and the doctors’ previous concerns related to a misdiagnosis.

Sadly, this family’s traumatic experience is not unique and the review team would like to hear from anyone who believes they have suffered from the poor maternity care offered by the Trust.

Donna has extended her sincere gratitude to all those families that have already come forward to assist with her investigation. Donna believes that ‘together, we can all help to make maternity care in Nottingham safer for all those that need it now and in the future.’

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