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Advertising & Marketing

Our IP & Media Team work with businesses and advertising creatives every day to help them to craft ad campaigns that are compliant. But we’re not afraid to help people to push boundaries.

What is involved?

Getting your marketing right can reap dividends for your business. But the advertising landscape is constantly shifting and regulators such as the ASA, Ofcom, Phonepayplus, Trading Standards and the ICO are adapting their rulebooks to keep pace with the times. Ensuring that your campaigns don’t fall foul of regulatory or legal rules has never been more difficult.

Our IP & Media Team work with businesses and advertising creatives every day to help them to craft ad campaigns that are compliant. But we’re not afraid to help people to push boundaries.

We understand the importance of traditional media and the nuances of established and evolving online landscapes such as native, social, influencers and adtech. Whether you need clearance advice on new material or help to respond to or initiate a regulatory investigation we’re here to help.

Why choose our advertising & marketing team?

Our daily experience helping ad professionals means that we can work at the coalface with you, to tight production and clearance schedules. Our expertise in comparative advertising and the overlap between trade mark law and advertising regulation in particular is second to none.

And because our advertising expertise is provided by our IP & Media team we can provide a holistic solution to your branding and marketing problems. Our wider team can help with anything from contractual issues, promotional terms and conditions to brand protection and media litigation.

Call our experienced Intellectual Property and Media team to see how we could help you.

“They provide us with measured advice in an understandable manner. The team has exceeded our expectations with their responsiveness.” 

Chambers & Partners, 2024



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Simon Barker's Profile

Simon Barker

Partner & Head of Intellectual Property

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