Financial Services

Specialist Sector-Focused Advice

Financial services sector expertise

Our financial services team brings together a range of specialists from different legal service areas who have genuine sector expertise. Our team acts for a range of financial services clients, from start-ups to large corporate groups, including fund operators and managers, wealth managers, financial advisers, lenders, credit brokers, funeral plan providers, payment services providers, insurers, insurance intermediaries, fintechs and insurtechs.

Our team includes specialists who focus on:

We offer a full spectrum of services for your business including: advice on setting up a regulated business and on amending financial services permissions; buying, selling or restructuring a financial services business; providing ongoing regulatory and commercial support to businesses of all sizes; and advising on and drafting the necessary documentation to set up and operate investment funds.

Our financial services sector group includes Adrian Hackett (tax) & Tom Rowley and John Heaphy (corporate).

Why choose our financial services expertise?

Our financial services team includes specialists across a broad range of practice areas, including:

  • Regulation
  • Private funds
  • Taxation
  • Corporate
  • Commercial contracts
  • IT & data
  • Banking and finance
  • Dispute resolution
  • Business restructuring

Our financial services team includes lawyers recommended in the legal directories, reflecting the quality and breadth of expertise in the industry. Our specialists work together to provide a seamless, efficient and cost-effective service. We have an in-depth understanding of the financial services sector and can give you advice on the latest advancements and innovations. Our lawyers provide cutting edge advice on all aspects of a technology-driven financial services businesses utilising their experience in providing practical, commercial and tailored advice to startups, growth stage and established clients in the sector

“In the complex regulatory world we all live in, it is essential to have a team of experts that you can rely on. Adam Edwards and his team provide the peace of mind and proactive support that is absolutely essential. No less important is the style of the regulatory team; nothing is too much effort and this is mixed with a sense of humour but a razor sharp focus in interpreting legislation and the impact it has”.

Ian White

Chief Executive Officer | Becketts

Image of clean energy labels

SDR & investment labels

The FCA has published its consultation on the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (“SDR”) and investment labels for the UK market. The proposals would require UK asset managers making sustainability-related claims about their products to substantiate those claims. 

Read our analysis in full

Consumer duty

What should insurers and insurance intermediaries be doing now to implement the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA’s) new consumer duty?

In this video, our financial services specialists Daniel Seely and Daniel Meyer discuss the FCA’s new consumer duty with Edward Rushton at Lexis Nexis UK focusing on the key issues for implementation of the consumer duty in the insurance sector.

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  • Video

    FCA's consumer duty

Notable work

Image relating to banking and finance


We are proud members of the National Franchised Dealers Associations.

Meet our team

Luke Dixon's Profile

Luke Dixon

Partner & Head of Data & Information

Adrian Hackett's Profile

Adrian Hackett

Partner & Chartered Tax Advisor

Alex Angelides's Profile

Alex Angelides

Managing Associate & Chartered Tax Advisor


  • IW

    “In the complex regulatory world we all live in, it is essential to have a team of experts that you can rely on. Adam Edwards and his team provide...

    Ian White, Chief Executive Officer


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    Time to start your consumer duty annual board report

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    Changes to the high net worth individual and self-certified sophisticated investor exemptions - What does this mean for you?

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    The FCA publishes proposed guidance on the new anti-greenwashing rule

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    FCA v Whitestone and Seiler

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    AIFM Regulatory Hosting: Pitfalls, Risks and Solutions

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    Financial Conduct Authority introduces new financial promotions rules for cryptocurrencies

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Whatever your legal needs, our wide ranging expertise is here to support you and your business, so let’s start your legal journey today and get you in touch with the right lawyer to get you started.


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