About Mike
Mike is a UK based partner specialising in private wealth management and tax planning for clients. He has a particularly niche practice in advising high net worth non-domiciled clients (predominantly the far and middle East) on how to structure property acquisition in the UK to mitigate UK taxes. Mike provides UK tax and estate planning advice to non-domiciled clients and works with them to determine the best structure to protect their wealth.
Mike also work closely with high net worth UK domiciled clients (particularly Mayfair and City professionals) to similarly ensure that their wealth is protected and that there is professional and clear planning in place should something happen to them.
Mike often work alongside the firm’s Real Estate Teams advising clients on how to structure their purchases. The London property market is still seen as safe and stable with the potential for good capital growth. Whether a client is buying a Mayfair Hotel, a 2 bed apartment at Canary Wharf or an 8 bedroomed townhouse on High Street Kensington, it is important for both UK and foreign buyers to receive detailed advice on how they should own these assets.
Contact Mike
Call: 0345 050 3200
Mobile: 0778 926 8874
Notable work & expertise
Recent Work
- Acting for a wealthy Hong Kong based family who were purchasing 16 luxury apartments at the new Battersea Power Station development. We worked through what they were trying to achieve and their end ambitions for the apartments and structured the eventual ownership to reflect this
- Acting for a wealthy Dubai based family following the death of the patriarch. The family’s wealth included two high value properties in Kensington. Following the initial estate administration work, we then held a family meeting a devised a plan to structure the distributed properties to mitigate future inheritance tax
- Acting for a UK based business owner with a highly valuable business, significant property development interests, foreign property and a large investment portfolio. I worked with the client to produce a detailed will, a foreign will, a UK trust as well as implement a number of inheritance tax planning initiatives
- Acting for a wealthy Lebanese businessman to assist him firstly in the purchase of a penthouse apartment on the river, then to obtain an Investor Visa for the UK
Contact us today
Whatever your legal needs, our wide ranging expertise is here to support you and your business, so let’s start your legal journey today and get you in touch with the right lawyer to get you started.
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